Washington, Dec 04: US President George W Bush has signed the 21st century nanotechnology research and development act, a step that can revolutionise the application of science and technology to health, environment and business. The measure, effected yesterday, authorises funding for nanotechnology research and development over four years, starting in financial year 2005. The legislation puts into law programmes and activities supported by the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), one of Bush's highest multi-agency r&d priorities.
Nanotechnology, a white house release said, offers the promise of breakthroughs that will revolutionise the way scientists detect and treat disease, monitor and protect the environment, produce and store energy, and build complex structures as small as an electronic circuit or as large as an airplane.
It is expected to have a broad and fundamental impact on many sectors of the economy, leading to new products, new businesses, new jobs and even new industries, the release added.
Nanotechnology is the ability to work at the atomic and molecular levels, corresponding to lengths of approximately 1/100 nanometers, or 1/100,000th the diameter of a human hair.
It is not merely the study of small things, it is the research and development of materials, devices and systems that exhibit physical, chemical and biological properties that are different from those found at larger scales.
Bureau Report