Mumbai: Bollywood’s very own fashion queen Sonam Kapoor is bold enough when it comes to flaunting her style statement. She has the oomph, x-factor and the flamboyance to carry even the most unimaginable attire with élan. Best known for her fashion sense, Sonam knows how to present herself to a tee.


She makes women envious of her wardrobe and wows onlookers every time she steps out of her enclosure.

In this photo-feature, we will take a look at three instances when the pretty Kapoor girl experimented with her jewellery and that proved to be hit:

Sonam opted for a nude make-up look, centre hair-parting and free flowing skin-coloured outfit. She chose to do away with earring and instead went ahead with a traditional Indian choker necklace.

Here, Sonam has decided not to wear a necklace. She has not even worn earrings. Her nose ring studded with stones has enhanced her stylish sari look. Her bright lip-colour has added charm to her personality.

None would have dared to compliment a baby blue gown with traditional Indian golden jhumkas. Sonam nailed her look by picking these jhumkas to create a look that would be a healthy fusion of east and west.

So what are you waiting for? Go, get yourself some really cool jewellery a la Sonam.