New Delhi, Jan 03: The Indian Red Cross Society today handed over a relief consignment for the quake-hit victims of Iran to its embassy here. "It is a token of love and affection which the country shares with Iran. Though it is not a big relief, the love and empathy which envelops the relief material is what matters," Union Health Minister Sushma Swaraj, also chairperson of IRSC said handing over the consignment to the officials of the Iran embassy here.

The consignment which comprise of 5000 woollen blankets and 5000 sets of kitchen utensils, worth rupees 35 lakh, would be air lifted to Iran. It would be distributed in quake-ravaged areas as per the requirement, she said.

This relief was outside the help provided by the Indian government, Swaraj said adding that the government, apart from sending woollen clothes and medicines, had also send a team of 75 doctors to take care of the injured.
On more such relief being send to Iran, she said, "We are ready to help them, if they ask us to."

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami had estimated that about 40,000 people were killed in a massive earthquake which completely destroyed the historic centre of southeastern fort city of Bam on December 26, 2003.

Magnitude of the quake was 6.3 on the Richter scale.

Bureau Report