Yangon, Sep 01: Myanmar's military government today dismissed as ``quite odd'' a US Government claim that opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is on hunger strike to protest her continued detention.
The US State Department said it was ``deeply concerned'' for the health of Suu Kyi, claiming she has launched a hunger strike in detention. It did not say where it got that information.
The Myanmar Government ``as well as governments around the world are confused and we firmly believe it is quite odd for the United States State Department to make such a claim without stating any sources to verify its allegation,'' a Junta statement said.
It said Myanmar authorities share ``the US view that governments are fully responsible for the welfare of all its political prisoners.'' but the government is responsible not only for Suu Kyi's welfare, but also that of the country's 52 million people, it added.
Suu Kyi was arrested may 30 following a bloody confrontation between her followers and the regime's supporters in northern Myanmar. The government has claimed she was detained for her own protection and for the sake of national stability.

Her detention and the arrest of senior members of her National League for Democracy Party triggered international outrage with the United States imposing tougher economic sanctions.

The government refuses to say where she is being held or how long she will stay in detention.

Bureau Report