Boston, Oct 09: Microsoft Corp. has increased its share of the worldwide market for operating systems that run servers, despite high-profile competition from Linux, a new study shows. Microsoft had 55 percent of the server operating system market last year, up from 51 percent in 2001, IDC reported on Wednesday. Linux captured 23 percent, up from 22 percent a year ago, though some customers use free versions of Linux that aren't reflected in IDC's numbers.

Novell Netware and Unix Systems accounted for most of the remainder.

The findings were based on licenses sold, not actual number of computers with the operating system installed.

Microsoft benefited from some one-time events, including customers upgrading their operating systems as Microsoft eliminated various discounts and forced companies into multiyear contracts, IDC analyst al Gillen said.

"But even without those Microsoft probably would have outgrown Linux in terms of volume," Gillen said.

Microsoft held a nearly 94 percent market share on desktop operating systems sold while Linux had 2.8 percent and Mac 2.9 percent.
"Linux is growing in leaps and bounds as a client operating system, but it's got such a small portion of the market you don't see it right away," Gillen said. Bureau Report