Washington, Nov 08: US President George W Bush today greeted Sikhs across the country and worldwide on the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev and said the founder of Sikhism taught ideas of interfaith acceptance and meditation. "I send greetings to those celebrating the 534th anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak. As the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak taught the ideas of interfaith acceptance and meditation." Bush said in his message adding through their dedication to service, humility, family, and equality, Sikhs enrich communities across America and worldwide.
"This celebration helps Sikhs pass on values and customs to future generations," he said.
The US First Lady, Laura Bush, joined him in the greetings, the President said.
"As Americans, we cherish our freedom to worship freely, and we remain committed to welcoming individuals of all religions. By working together, we help advance peace and mutual understanding around the world and build a future of promise and compassion for all," Bush said.
The Sikh Council on Religion and Education (Score) received the message from the White House. Dr Rajwant Singh, Chairman of Score thanked Bush for his greetings.
Bureau Report