Washington, Feb 06: The United States expects Pakistan to take comprehensive measures to prevent recurrence of proliferation and share the results of its ongoing investigation of transfer of technology to rouge states, the state department has said.

At his daily briefing here yesterday, spokesman Richard Boucher reiterated the US position that Pakistan was taking serious efforts to end the activities of a dangerous network that had already done much damage.
While it was up to the Pakistan government to take the necessary measures to ensure that this kind of proliferation will not happen again, it was important that those measures be comprehensive and they be enduring, he said.
We'd also expect that Pakistan will share information that they're unearthing in their ongoing investigation with the international community.
Boucher refused to take a position on whether it was appropriate for President Pervez Musharraf to pardon A Q Khan, who had admitted to transferring weapons-related technology to countries hostile to the US. I don't think it's a matter for the United States to sit in judgement on, he said of the pardon. What was really important to the US was that the network and the individuals who were doing this in Pakistan or from Pakistan be found out, stopped, prevented from making any such transfers again and the information that they develop in their information is shared with the international community. He said the international community as a whole needed to go after this network that extends far beyond Pakistan in some cases.
As far as the specifics of sentencing or pardons or whatever, that really is a matter for Pakistan to decide, and they'll take, I'm sure, appropriate measures under Pakistani law and regulations to ensure that he and his associates are no longer able to endanger the international community.
Bureau Report