Jammu and Kashmir assembly on Saturday witnessed noisy scenes, with congress members demanding immediate statement from the government on the relief measures taken for those who migrated from border areas in Chamb after the Kargil conflict.
As soon as the house assembled, all the Congress members got on their feet, alleging that government had failed to provide any relief to about 11000 families, who had migrated from Chamb and other border areas after the Kargil conflict. When the speaker did not allow them to raise the issue during the question hour, some of them collected in the well of the house to lodge their protest.
Mr Tara Chand charged that the tents provided to the migrants were totally damaged and no ration was being provided to them, forcing them to sit on a ''dharna'' (sit-in) for the past one month. However, order was restored in the house when speaker Abdul Ahad Vakil said that he had received information from the government that the divisional authority in Jammu had been instructed to provide ration and other facilities to migrants.
Later, Mr Tara Chand told newspersons that these families could not go to their homes and were still living in migrant camps, as Pakistani troops continued to target the villages near the border.
The issue was again raised by panthers party member Harish Dev Singh, who suggested that a minister should visit the border area. The finance minister Abdul Rehim rather assured the House that government will take all measures for the migrants. However, the speaker was not satisfied with the ministers reply and directed him to make a detailed statement in the House on Monday.
Bureau Report