Kolkata, Feb 24: The Left sponsored nation-wide 24-hours industrial strike to protest ''anti-people'' policies of the BJP-led NDA government today turned into a general strike paralysing life in West Bengal. Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) Chayan Mukherjee said the strike was total and peaceful. ''There was no report of any untoward incident from any part of the state. Everything is closed from shops to transport to factories,'' Mukherjee observed. Shops, markets, educational institutions, commercial establishments remained closed. Vehicles, both government and private, were off the road. The city's main thoroughfares wore a deserted look. Other streets and lanes virtually turned into cricket and football grounds with the local youths taking over from the morning. Trading in the Calcutta stock exchange remained suspended because of lack of sufficient staff. Though the government offices remained open, the attendance was virtually nil. The Writers' buildings, the state secretariat, wore a deserted look and most of the chambers of the ministers and secretaries remained under lock and key.

Train services on both the eastern and south eastern railways sections were severely disrupted because of obstructions in various stations. Several long distance trains were cancelled. Many long distance trains were detained in different stations following the strike. The city's underground railway did not operate.

Bureau Report