New Delhi, July 25: Refuting charges that Bharat Shiksha Kosh was launched in January this year to keep a check on flow of funds to madarsas, government today told Rajya Sabha that the funds donated for private educational institutions were not to be routed through the Kosh. "Our government has done a lot for the benefit of madarsas", Minister of State for Human Resource Development Vallabbhai Kathiria told R P Goenka (Congress) during question hour, adding any doubt of the member was unfounded. He said organisations, institutions or bodies which receive donations or grants from external sources (other than government support) for education and research activities shall get such donations or grants routed through the Bharat Shiksha Kosh. This does not apply to funds given to private educational institutions, the minister said adding the affairs of the Kosh are reviewed at meetings of the board of governors. Bureau Report