Los Angeles: Brad Pitt has praised the wife, actress-filmmaker Angelina Jolie's direction skills on their upcoming film "By the Sea".


The 51-year-old American actor, in an interview to V Magazine, opened up about what it was like working closely with Jolie while shooting the movie.

"It's surprising how much I enjoy the direction of my wife. She's decisive, incredibly intuitive, knife-sharp, and might I say, sexy at her post," Pitt told 'V Magazine'.

The film follows the emotional fallout of a married couple, played by Pitt and Jolie. "It was probably not the wisest way to spend a honeymoon. But then again, fighting to make something together... What better metaphor for marriage?" said the actor, who stars opposite Jolie, 40.

The couple first met on the set of 2005's Mr. & Mrs. Smith. "By the Sea" marks the pair's first on-screen appearance together in 10 years. The film will hit theatres on November 13.