Los Angeles: Oscar-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese has been tapped to direct a documentary about the US punk band Ramones.


To celebrate the upcoming 40th anniversary of the band's debut album, the owners of the Ramones' estate are planning to release multiple projects in 2016.

Jeff Jampol, who manages the estate, says the documentary will include exclusive videos of the band from over the years, suggest reports.

"We just secured a ton of footage, much of which has never been seen before. It came from the Ramones on the road over the years in the seventies and a little bit in the eighties," he said.

Jampol did not release further details about the documentary, but added: "It's just one of several projects in the works. Among the others are a theatrical play, a book and a film, which already has Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese attached."