An e-mail sent on Thursday purportedly by the kidnappers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl extended the deadline for killing him by one day. The unsigned e-mail was received by Pakistani and Western media.
"We will give you one more day," the message said. "If America will not meet our demands we will kill Daniel. Then this cycle will continue and no American journalist could enter Pakistan."
The unsigned message said that unless the kidnappers' demands are met, "the Amrikans (Americans) will get what they deserve."
The e-mail said the Pearl abduction was not the end and threatened a "real war on Amrikans," who it said will "get the taste of death and destructions what we got" in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A similar e-mail sent Wednesday had said Pearl, the Journal's South Asian bureau chief who disappeared Jan 23 in Karachi, would be executed after 24 hours and demanded all American journalists leave Pakistan within three days or become targets.
'The Wall Street Journal' and Pearl's pregnant wife appealed to his kidnappers to spare his life. "Killing Danny will achieve nothing for you," Journal managing editor Paul Steiger wrote in a return message to Wednesday's e-mail. "His murder would be condemned by the entire world, and your group would be viewed as murderers without serious political objectives."
Bureau Report