Washington, Oct 08: The US has said it would continue to uphold the 'One China' policy, supporting Beijing's claim that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of it, but reunification must come peacefully and not with the use of force. The US reaffirmation of its official policy comes in the face of a newspaper interview with Taiwan's President Chen Shui-Bian published in the US, in which Chen categorically rejected the One China policy, thus affirming Taiwan's right to independence. He also stated that Taiwan was not a state of the United States, implying that the US has no business to determine Taiwan's future if it decides to be independent. "There is one country on each side of the straits, one China and one Taiwan," Chen said categorically. Having to balance US relations with China and practical support for Taiwan, US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said yesterday: "to reiterate, the US has long has a 'One China' policy. We have consistently urged both the PRC (People's Republic Of China) and Taiwan to work to achieve dialogue. We believe such efforts should continue."
He said the US welcomed steps that foster dialogue, reduce tensions, emphasize peaceful resolution and promote mutual understanding.
The US, Boucher said, believed that issues between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China were matters to be resolved by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
Bureau Report