Pakistan’s military ruler Gen Pervez Musharraf has expressed cautious optimism about the outcome of his proposed summit meeting with Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpyee. He has said that Kashmir remains the core isuue between the two countries even though he is willing to talks about other issues as well. In his first media interview after he received the Indian invitation, he told a private news channel in Islamabad Monday night that if both sides come to the negotiating table with open minds, then, there should be no hurdle in the settlement of the Kashmir dispute.
He, however, did not appeal to the mujahideen,groups and fighters to halt their operations in the run up for his summit meeting with Vajpayee. “The dialogue process is being started and the time has not yet come to make such an appeal,” he maintained.
He also said that the mujahideen groups were also wrong in opposing his visit to New Delhi and sought their support for efforts aimed at finding a solution to the Kashmir issue.
Describing the Indian government`s decision to invite him to New Delhi as a welcome development, Gen Musharraf also showered praise on Vajpayee for taking the courageous decision.

“It is a bold and courageous step taken by the Indian Prime Minister. By inviting me to New Delhi, Vajpayee has shown statesmanship,” he said and termed indian decision of starting talks as an appropriate and right move.
Replying to a question, he said finding a solution to problems between the two countries is a time-consuming process and in this regard the first round parleys will be very important. Musharraf has proposed four set of dates for the planned summit in India with Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Islamabad has suggested any date after June 20, 25, end of June or early next month. Bureau Report