New Delhi, June 27: As a follow-up of recent highest level exchange of political visits, India and China are planning to hold the first-ever joint naval exercises later this year. A three-day search and rescue exercises is being planned in which major warships from the two countries would participate, according to the vice chief of naval staff vice admiral John Desilva.
He said the date and venue of the exercises were being worked out by officials of the two countries. With thaw in relations, Indian and Chinese warships have been making port calls to each other countries, but this would be for the first time that the two navies would be holding joint exercises. India has initally proposed to hold anti-piracy exercises in the Malacca Straits on the pattern of similar exercises held with Indonesian and US warships in the region. However, the Chinese officials said the anti-piracy role was performed in China by border guard vessels. So the two countries have decided to hold search and rescue exercises, he said.

Indian and Chinese red army have recently started a greater interaction by sending officers to each other's military acadamies. Just recently a high-level Chinese team is attending a course at India's prestigious National Defence College.

Bureau Report