Washington, June 05: Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore are among the top "world winning cities in an era of change", a study by well known Chicago-based consulting firm has said. Mumbai and Delhi are in the list of 10 top cities in the world in population change from 1991 to 2001, while Bangalore figures in the list because of it being "a global technology cluster during the decade", the firm Jones Lang Lasalle said. In employment change in the period, Mumbai comes third, after Dubai and Las Vegas, Christopher Peacock, President of the firm said. Among the cities with a strong innovation base, the study says there are numerous Indian cities beside Tel Aviv, Moscow and Beijing.

It said these cities have potential to achieve economic lift off if there intellectual attributes are matched with the appropriate infrastructure and business environment.
The study said the opportunities in India and China dominate the international landscape and have supplanted the Asian Tiger economies.

It said a key regional focus on world winning cities is to unpack the relative merits of some 40 cities in India that have population of more than one million.

Among the major trends the study noted was that between 2002 and 2015, world`s population will increase from 6.1 billion to 7.2 billion and 90 per cent of the growth will occur in developing countries with India and China accounting for 40 per cent of the total growth.
Bureau Report