Washington, Aug 28: Nasa's boss has promised to change the tainted space agency culture that led to the destruction of the Columbia space shuttle and the deaths of seven astronauts, assuring accident investigators and the rest of the world "we get it". Administrator Sean O'keefe also accepted responsibility for the flight schedule pressure that the investigation board said may well have prompted space shuttle managers to bypass safety before - and especially during - Columbia's doomed flight.

O'keefe said that "without reservation," Nasa will comply with all 29 recommendations issued by the Columbia accident investigation board on tuesday. Fifteen, all technical in nature, must be implemented before space shuttles fly again. O'keefe declined to say when that might happen, but did not rule out the space agency's launch target of next spring.

"The report covers hardware failures to be sure, but it also covers human failures and how our culture needs change to mitigate succumbing to these failings again," O'keefe yesterday said. "We get it, clearly got the point." Meanwhile, the Nasa manager who oversaw space shuttle Columbia's faulty external tank has been removed in the continuing fallout from the shuttle disaster.

Jerry Smelser, external-tank project manager at Nasa's Marshall Space Flight Center, was reassigned a month ago at his request and will retire at the end of the year, said Dave King, Marshall director.

Bureau Report