New Delhi, June 16: Lok Sabha Speaker Manohar Joshi has convened an all-party meeting on the controversial women's reservation bill today.
The meeting will discuss proposals from various parties on the bill in an effort to ensure its passage, in its present form or a modified one, in the 13th Lok Sabha.

The bill envisages greater representation for women in Parliament by reserving up to 33 per cent of the seats for women members. It has met with severe opposition on the grounds that it is not feasible to implement.

The bill was stalled in the Lower House for the fourth time amidst unruly scenes in the last Budget session.

The meeting is likely to discuss various proposals, including the Election Commission's suggestion to ensure that parties give tickets to 33 per cent of women, double-member constituency, bringing down the percentage of reservation to 20 per cent and allowing a sub-quota for women from backward classes and minority communities for evolving a consensus. Bureau Report