Vishakhapatnam, Dec.08: The court of CBI special judge, Y Dhilleswara Rao today sent to judicial custody till December 22 all the three accused including former CBI DIG, A Sudhakar Rao who has been charged with demanding money from a senior divisional manager of an insurance company. Sudhakar Rao is accused of repeatedly demanding money and threatening to implicate the complainant, who works as a senior divisional manager in the United Insurance Co Ltd, and using a mahila court public prosecutor as a conduit for the same. The Public Prosecutor (PP) has also been nabbed by the CBI's anti corruption unit along with her maid servant. Another PP, who was also allegedly involved in the case, is still at large. After hearing the matter under section of prevention of crime act, 1988, the judge asked the special CBI team to produce evidence into the case. On it a CD containing the alleged conversation held between the complainant and the lady PP, who was caught by the CBI team while accepting a bribe of Rs five lakh in cash as the first installment of total amount of bribe of Rs 10 lakh, demanded on behalf of Sudhakar Rao from her residence on December 5. On the issue of bail for all the three accused, the judge asked the CBI to produce Sudhakar Rao and the lady PP on December 11.
Bureau Report