Pune, Sept 20: The Telugu Desam Party MLA and former minister C Krishna Yadav arrested in connection with the multi-crore fake stamp paper racket will be produced in a court today as his police custody expires. The TDP MLA was picked up on September 6 from Hyderabad and arrested under Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) and remanded to police custody. Meanwhile, CBI officials yesterday had a meeting with the Special Investigating Team (sit) officials in connection with the racket. When contacted, the Superintendent Of Police, C H Wakade termed the meeting as 'routine' and said CBI sought some information in connection with the stamp paper racket.

Yadav is the second MLA to be arrested in the fake stamp paper racket. The sitting MLA of Dhule district Anil Gote (Samajwadi Janata Party) was the first politician to be arrested under MCOCA for having links with the King Pin Abdul Karim Telgi.
Bureau Report