Santiago, Nov 08: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has urged the Security Council's makeup and operations be overhauled without delay. "Reform of the Security Council has been on the agenda for long time. But I sense a widespread feeling that we cannot keep putting this issue off," the UN chief said, joined by host Chilean President Ricardo Lagos at a conference on UN reform here yesterday.

"Now is the time to take a hard look at our inter-governmental institutions," he said.

The council has five permanent members with veto power: the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China. In addition, 10 non-permanent members rotate in two-year terms, without veto power.
Many analysts argue that the current system, built in the aftermath of World War II, does not reflect the makeup of today's international community.

Annan stressed the reforms he supports are not aimed at reducing the power of the five permanent council members, but rather at increasing the council's representative character.

He said that a retooled council could give the body greater legitimacy, increasing worldwide acceptance of council decisions.
Bureau Report