Harare, July 27: Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe was re-elected official patron of his National Cricket Union here yesterday for an eighth consecutive year. However, despite being unopposed at a crowded zimbabwe Cricket Union (ZCU), there were dissenters at the meeting. "If we continue with Mr. Mugabe, then protests and disruptions will continue," said watching white businessman Roger Stringer. "His appointment is a political one and there should be a change away from that."
He thought Mugabe's position as patron "encouraged public dissent and disruptions."

Stringer, who runs a computer company, said he was voicing the concerns felt my many people.

But ZCU chairman Peter Chingoka defended the election.

"The head of state's patronage is purely ceremonial and he plays no part in our policies or direction. You are entitled to your opinion but you must also respect our position."

At the World Cup in southern Africa earlier this year, Zimbabwe players Andy Flower and Henry Olonga won worldwide praise by donning black armbands to mourn what they called "the death of democracy" in their country.

Both men have since retired from international cricket and left the country after the tournament.

Bureau Report.