Seoul, Oct 27: South Korea today indicated it was taking North Korea's weekend suggestion to consider US-proposed security assurances in exchange for ending its nuclear ambitions as "positive" signs for the resumption of six-nation talks.

The United States, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea have sought to jumpstart the stalled peace process ever since the three days of inconclusive nuclear crisis talks with North Korea in reply to Beijing in August.
Ban Ki-Moon, Foreign Policy Advisor for President Roh Moo-Hyun said today: "North Korea seems to have made a realistic judgement not to drag it too long".
"The fact in itself that North Korea responded to (The Bush offer) is positive in the overall perspective."
North Korea said on Saturday that it was ready to consider us President George.W. Bush's offer of a written security assurance in return for scrapping its nuclear programme.
Bureau Report