Lahore, June 18: A visiting delegation of Indian MPs today urged Islamabad and New Delhi to end hostilities and promote trade and economic cooperation to end poverty in the nuclear-armed rival neighbours. "It is impossible to think about trade relations between the two countries until and unless the aggressive atmosphere is removed by them," Independent MP Kuldip Nayyar said.

"The two countries should keep trade and politics separate. They should not politicize trade which is in the interest of the people of both the countries."

Nayyar arrived in this eastern Pakistani city yesterday at the head of a six member Indian parliamentary delegation on an unofficial visit to spur peace moves after a 17-month freeze in bilateral relations.

Speaking at a reception hosted by the Lahore Chambers of Commerce and Industries (LCCI) in their honour, Nayyar asked business leaders on both sides to work toward ending mutual mistrust between the South Asian neighbours.

"By creating an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and goodwill the (trading) community of India and Pakistan can achieve progress in this direction."

The Indian side is willing to offer "all cooperation to Pakistan in every sector," he added.

MP Lakshman Seth said: "The two countries can overcome poverty and unemployment by enhancing economic cooperation."

LCCI acting president Pervez Shaikh said: "The two sides cannot afford to remain in isolation for long."

"If we are able to find a common ground for lasting peace in this region, we might have done a great service to the people of this region."

Bureau Report