Berlin, May 31: Iran will resist US pressure, in particular over its nuclear research programme, foreign minister Kamal Kharazi said in an interview published today. "The US do not want us to have access to civilian nuclear technology, but we have the right to take part in this progress," he said.
He denied Iran was seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, saying his country was cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and was respecting the agreements it had signed.
Tehran was not afraid that Washington could be hoping for a change of regime in the country. "We shall resist that pressure as well," he said.
In an interview with the British newspaper The Financial Times today, US National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice said Washington wanted Iran to be governed by an elected government which renounced terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Kharazi rejected US claims that Iran was sheltering senior figures from the al-Qaeda terror network.
"We have fought this organisation, we have arrested some of its members and we have sent them to their countries of origin," he said. Bureau Report