London, Aug 22: British Prime Minister Tony Blair is scheduled to give evidence next Thursday to Lord Hutton's inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly, the source to a BBC report which alleged his government had "sexed up" an intelligence dossier in the run-up to the Iraq war. A day earlier, the defence secretary, Geoff Hoon will give evidence. It will be the most difficult and detailed questioning Blair has yet faced over the war although he had earlier given evidence privately to the parliamentary intelligence and security committee, the guardian daily reported today.

On Thursday Blair will be followed by Gavyn Davies, the BBC chairman, and Tom Mangold, a journalist and friend of Dr Kelly's. Members of Dr Kelly's family will appear the following Monday and on Tuesday, September 2, police officers and a pathologist will give evidence about the scientist's apparent suicide.

On Wednesday, a psychiatrist and a member of the Baha'i faith will be the final witnesses to appear in the first stage of the inquiry.

Blair's day in court was announced last evening by Lord Hutton, who said his inquiry was now at the halfway stage. He said he expected to complete the testimony from all witnesses by Wednesday, September 3. Bureau Report