New Delhi: The ongoing nine-day festival of Navratri has made people cheerful and joyous. In Kolkata, where Durga Puja is celebrated during the last five days of this festive period, the mood is electrifying. Bollywood's happy-go-lucky dimpled beauty Preity Zinta too is thrilled as she is all set to welcome Maa Durga in the City Of Joy.


The 'Soldier' girl has flown to Kolkata to witness the festive atmosphere as the Goddess will be arriving with her sons - Kartikeya, Ganesha - and Goddesses Saraswati and Lakshmi.

The 41-year-old actress shared her excitement of travelling to Durga Maa's abode on earth.

This might give you serious travel goals to explore the 'city of joy' this Durga Puja! Check out the video below: