Nairobi, Oct 25: President Daniel Arap Moi dissolved Kenya's Parliament today, paving the way for the country's third elections since the return of multi-party politics in 1991, state-run television said. Quoting a brief statement from Moi's office, kenya broadcasting corp. Said parliament had been dissolved by order of the president. No additional details were provided.
Although no date was set for the elections, they have to be held within 90 days.
Moi, 78, a former school teacher who has ruled Kenya for 24 years, is constitutionally obliged to become the east African nation's first president to step down at the elections.
Forced to step aside, Moi successfully backed Uhuru Kenyatta - Jomo's son - to become the ruling Kenya African National Union Party's presidential candidate.

Kenyatta, 41, is a relatively inexperienced politician who helped run his family's businesses after graduating in the mid-1980s from Amherst college in the United States with a degree in political science and economics.

Bureau Report