Srinagar, Dec 08: Accusing Jammu and Kashmir government of "turning a blind-eye" towards their problems, Kashmiri Pandits in the valley today threatened to launch an indefinite hunger strike from Sunday if their grievances were not redressed by December 14. "Government has promised to mitigate our problems but nothing was done. We have decided to launch an indefinite hunger strike from December 14 if the government does not come out with concrete and positive decisions within this period", general secretary of Hindu Welfare Society, an organisation of Kashmir Pandits, S K Tikoo said today.
He said the decision to go for fast unto death from December 14 was taken at a meeting of the party at its headquarters at Barbarshah.
We have been forced by the government to take such a harsh decision, Tikoo said, adding on the one hand government is talking of returning of Kashmir Pandit migrants to the valley but on the other nothing is being done for those staying back.
About meetings between his party delegation had with Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and Revenue Minister Hakeem Mohammad Yasin, he said promises were made only to be broken. Failure of the government to implement its promises clearly show lack of sincerity on its part, he said.
We are finding ourselves at the cross-roads, Tikoo said, adding government may be waiting for another carnage so that leftover members of the community are forced to leave valley.
Among the list of demands were employment package for the youth of Pandit community, clusterisation of the community and treating displaced members of the community within the valley at par with the migrants.
Bureau Report