New Delhi, Mar 11: BJP member Uma Bharti today angrily walked out of Lok Sabha protesting against Speaker Manohar Joshi's refusal to allow her to speak on an issue related to Madhya Pradesh which, she said, was more important that anything else. Shortly after the question hour was over, she along with her party members Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Prahlad Patel vociferously wanted to raise the matter saying there was "unprecedented constitutional crisis" in Madhya Pradesh where Chief Minister Digvijay Singh was disobeying directives of the Election Commission.
They were told by Joshi that he would first dispose of the calling attention motion followed by notices of adjournment motion and then allow them to speak.
Bharti had a tiff with Samajwadi Party member Ramjilal Suman who, she said, was taking too much time in putting his questions to agriculture minister on his calling attention motion on up potato growers.
Suman strongly protested saying this was not the way the member should behave and obstruct him.
After the calling attention motion was disposed of, Bharti and her colleagues were again on their feet saying nothing could be more important that the "strangulation" of democracy in Madhya Pradesh.
Bureau Report