Gainesville (Florida), Nov 08: More than 100 people protested as Attorney General John Ashcroft defended the controversial legislation adopted after the September 11 attacks that expanded government surveillance capabilities to combat terrorism. The Patriot Act is one of the keys to the successful war on terrorism, Ashcroft told an audience of about 550 yesterday at the annual banquet of Florida blue key, one of the most exclusive clubs in the state.

Ranks of terrorists "are in retreat, their resources are dwindling. Only their hatred and lust for revenge is on the rise. Our nation's successes speak for themselves," Ashcroft said at the University of Florida. Outside, protesters waved signs that read "stop fascism" and "how many innocents have you deported or imprisoned?"

"He's taken away our civil liberties with the Patriot Act," said Erika Gubrium, a graduate research assistant.

Bureau Report