Mumbai, Aug 09: Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushilkumar Shinde today said he was ready to appoint a retired high court judge to probe corruption charges levelled against each other by Food and Civil Supplies Minister Suresh Jain and noted social worker Anna Hazare. "Since both have expressed willingness to face a probe, the government can consider instituting a probe by a retired high court judge into the charges and counter-charges against each other by Jain and Hazare," Shinde told here.
"If both are willing to face the probe, then the government is not averse to the proposal," he said.
While Hazare has accused Jain of indulging in corrupt practices, the latter has accused the noted social worker of malpractices while running public trusts headed by him (Hazare).
However, the question of announcing a probe into the graft charges levelled against DF ministers -- Padamsinh Patil, Vijaykumar Gavit and Nawab Malik -- has not been considered by the government, Shinde said.
Terming his agitation as "second battle for independence", Hazare has demanded a CBI probe against four DF ministers as well as the irregularity charges levelled against him. He would sit on a fast-unto-death later in the day.
Earlier in the day, Jain resorted to a fast-unto-death for restoration of his `self-respect' at Azad Maidan in south Mumbai, a stone's throw away from that of Hazare.
The state government is making attempts to persuade Hazare to call off his fast, Shinde said. Hazare has already rejected government's proposal of a probe by a retired judge and has sought a CBI enquiry. Bureau Report