New Delhi, May 09: An AIADMK member in the Lok Sabha has moved a notice for a censure motion against Environment and Forests Minister T R Baalu against what he termed as "illegal" notification issued by him to allegedly pursue his political ends. Raising the issue during Zero Hour, T M Selvaganapathi said the notification on the coastal regulation zone was aimed at stopping the demolition of the 150-year old Queen's Mary College.
The AIADMK government proposed to demolish what it termed as the dilapidated building to construct a new secretariat. Selvaganapathi, supported by other party colleagues, said the notification was not in public interest.
Following the state government's announcement, baalu had reportedly stated that he would not sit quiet on the issue and ensure that the building was not demolished, the AIADMK member said. By issuing this notification, the minister had "misused" and "abused" his official position to "settle political scores,” the member said.
P H Pandian, who was in the chair, said the notice was under consideration of the speaker.
S S Palanimanickam, DMK, complained that the same issue had been raised in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. Bureau Report