Washington, Nov 13: A prominent city-based think-tank has warned of greater risks to the United States if Washington continues to its support to the "undemocratic" regime in Pakistan and suggested an "arms length" policy with its ally in the war against terror. "Pakistan has only the veneer of a democratic government and by supporting the (President Pervez) Musharraf regime, the US subjects itself to the same potential risks inherent in supporting Saudi Arabia and Egypt," the Cato Institute has recommended in a new study. If Washington is seen as supporting an illegitimate, oppressive or corrupt regime, US becomes a potential target for militant Islamists, who would otherwise direct their rage only at the regime, a policy analysis paper authored by Charles V. Pena, director of Defence Policy Studies at the institute said. "The United States cannot turn a blind eye (as it seemingly does in Saudi Arabia) to the fact that Pakistan may be enabling and facilitating al Qaeda terrorists," it warns, suggesting an "more arms length" relationship with Islamabad. Terror orgnisations like Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), which were designated as foreign terror groups by the state department, continue to operate in Paksitan, it said.

Bureau Report