Arab leaders are set to sanction Israel for its killings of Palestinian demonstrators but will remain committed to the peace process, delegates to preparatory meetings for their Cairo summit said on Friday. Syria, meanwhile, is expected to take a harder line, having called for Arabs to not have any kind of truck or trade with Israel, and even ban handshakes between Israeli and Arab officials. “After 10 hours of debate, Arab foreign ministers have adopted a document to be given on Saturday and Sunday to heads of state detailing limited Measures Against Israel but reaffirming peace as a strategic choice,” delegates said. “Among these will be a reduction or freeze in ties with the Jewish state. But even that measure will exclude parties linked by peace treaty or in direct negotiations with Israel, namely Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian authority,” one of the officials told AFP. Three Arab countries have diplomatic relations with Isael Egypt, Jordan and Mauritius. Cairo and Amman have also signed peace treaties with the Jewish state, but not Mauritius, which has never gone to war against he Israelis. Moreover, four Arab countries have started to normalise relations with Israel by opening liason offices, as in the case with Tunisia ND Morocco, or trade offices, like Qatar and Oman. “These four countries and Mauritius will be called upon to cease all relations with Israel, to freeze or suspend all cooperation with the country,” a senior Arab official said. Bureau Report