China on Thursday said that the normal, healthy and good-neighbourly relationship with India has great significance for peace and development of Asia and the world. Announcing the 'official goodwill' visit of former Chinese Premier Li Peng to India from January 9, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhang Qiyue said that the upcoming visit of the senior Chinese leader would be yet another high-level contact between the two neighbouring countries in recent times.
“A normal, healthy and stable good-neighbourly relationship and friendly cooperation between China and India is of great significance to peace and development of Asia and the world at large,” Zhang told reporters. Li, the current Chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) who last visited India in 1991 in his capacity as Chinese premier, will be undertaking the 'exclusive' visit to India from January 9 to 16 at the invitation of Lok Sabha Speaker, G M C Balayogi and Rajya Sabha Chairman and Vice President Krishan Kant.
“The visit will further strengthen contacts between China and India and exchanges between China's National People's Congress (China's Parliament) and India's Parliament,” she said. Zhang also said that Li's visit will also enhance understanding and friendship between the two peoples and promote continued healthy and stable development of good-neighbourly relations and friendly cooperation between the two countries.
Bureau Report