New Delhi: Scientists have come up with an antibiotic which can possibly be the cure for sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea.


The study was published in the journal MedChemComm.Researchers from the University of York`s Departments of Biology and Chemistry found that Neisseria gonorrhoeae is more sensitive to CO (carbon monoxide) - based toxicity than other model bacterial pathogens and may serve as a viable candidate for antimicrobial therapy using CO-RMs (carbon monoxide-releasing molecules).

"The carbon monoxide molecule targets the engine room, stopping the bacteria from respiring. Gonorrhoea only has one enzyme that needs inhibiting and then it can`t respire oxygen and it dies," said Professor Ian Fairlamb, from the University`s Department of Chemistry.

"People will be well aware that CO is a toxic molecule but that is at high concentrations. Here we are using very low concentrations which we know the bacteria are sensitive to," Fairlamb added.

The infection is the second most common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

The team targeted the "engine room" of the bacteria using CO-RMs.CO is produced naturally in the body, but there is increasing evidence that carbon monoxide enhances antibiotic action with huge potential for treating bacterial infections.

The CO molecule works by binding to the bacteria, preventing them from producing energy."We think our study is an important breakthrough.

(With PTI inputs)