New Delhi: It is a common sight to see vehicles coming to a halt at railway crossings around the world to allow trains a continuous passage. But not in Gwalior and not on Monday.


In what can only be termed as a gross negligence and shocking indifference, a driver parked his SUV right next to the tracks in Ramdas Ghati and left the spot. An alert driver of a narrow-gauge train running between Sumawali and Gwalior managed to spot the vehicle and brought his train to a standstill in time to avoid a collision. The Railway Police Force was then informed about the situation.

It is reported that Railway officials and staff on board the train searched for the driver of the car for several hours but could not locate him. Not only did it cause a needless delay in the train's schedule but also resulted in a large crowd gathering around the car and the train.

Help from a number of bystanders was eventually taken and the vehicle was pulled away from the tracks to let the train pass. RPF has seized the vehicle and has registered a case against the owner.