Arvind Kejriwal, who stepped down as CM last week, faced intense political and legal pressure in recent months. According to Atishi, "The BJP did everything to tarnish his image, filing false cases and having him imprisoned for six months." Kejriwal resigned after being granted bail by the Supreme Court in a case related to the Delhi excise policy. He had submitted his resignation to Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena earlier in the week.

 Cabinet Portfolios Retained


Atishi, while assuming her new role, continues to oversee the 13 key portfolios she managed in the Kejriwal government. These include education, finance, revenue, power, and the public works department (PWD). In addition to her responsibilities, fellow minister Saurabh Bharadwaj now manages eight departments, including health, tourism, and art and culture. 

Newly appointed minister Mukesh Ahlawat will be responsible for the labour, SC/ST, employment, and land and building departments, while Gopal Rai retains his roles overseeing development, environment, and general administration. Kailash Gahlot continues to manage transport, home, administrative reforms, and women and child development.

Upcoming Challenges

Atishi's government faces a short tenure, with assembly elections in Delhi scheduled for February next year. Her new cabinet has a long list of pending projects and initiatives that need to be addressed before the polls.

Despite the brevity of her term, Atishi expressed confidence in her ability to lead the government and fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to her.