Sachin Pilot, a senior Congress leader, has announced that he will observe a day-long fast in Rajasthan's Jaipur, on April 11. The protest is aimed at demanding action against corruption during the previous BJP government. Ahead of the state's upcoming assembly elections, Pilot has promised to hold the fast to draw attention to the corruption allegations that have been made against the previous administration. He has also stated that he and other Congress leaders had raised the issue of corruption when they were in opposition and promised to take action if the party came to power.


Addressing the media on Sunday, Pilot stated that he has already informed the district administration about his plans to hold the fast at the Shaheed Smarak. He emphasized that no action was taken against corruption despite assurances, and the fast is to press for the demand for action.

Earlier, Pilot had also commented on the disqualification of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi. He called it political vendetta and stated that it was because Rahul Gandhi had spoken out against Adani. He further added that Congress is agitating on the road, and all opposition parties have come together.

Pilot also expressed disappointment at the acquittal of all accused in the Jaipur serial blast case. He called it sad and regrettable, emphasizing that negligence in the investigation is unacceptable. He urged the government to investigate the matter again.