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Did Manmohan Singh Really Say Muslims Have First Right On Resources? Fact Check Of Modi's Biggest Poll Pitch This Election

Modi's poll remark has created a storm online with Congress leaders saying no such thing is there in the Congress manifesto while the BJP leaders claim that the promise has been made by the Congress.

Did Manmohan Singh Really Say Muslims Have First Right On Resources? Fact Check Of Modi's Biggest Poll Pitch This Election

The second phase of the Lok Sabha elections has taken the political parties by storm after senior BJP leader Narendra Modi alleged that the Congress wants to take people's land, gold and other valuables to distribute it among Muslims or illegal migrants/infiltrators. Prime Minister Modi said that Congress has promised in its manifesto that it's mentioned in Congress party's manifesto. Addressing a rally in Rajasthan, Modi said that if the Congress came to power, it would redistribute the wealth of people to Muslims and cited former PM Manmohan Singh's remark that the minority community had the first claim on the country's resources.

The poll remark has created a storm online with Congress leaders saying no such thing is there in the Congress manifesto while the BJP leaders claim that the promise has been made by the Congress.

What Did Congress Leaders Claim?

Congress leader P Chidambaram denied allegations that Manmohan Singh said that the first claim on resources is of Muslims. Chidambaram termed Modi's remarks as outrageous saying that each sentence was absolute falsehood and brazen mendacity. "Will the BJP tell the world: a) when and where did the Congress say that we will distribute people's land, gold and other valuables among Muslims? b) when and where did the Congress say that a survey will be conducted to value the property of individuals, gold held by women and silver owned by tribal families? c) when and where did the Congress say that land and cash belonging to government employees will also be distributed? The Prime Minister must have some respect for his predecessor. Dr Manmohan Singh's speech to the NDC in December 2006 has been reproduced in the Indian Express today. Dr Singh had said that the first claim on resources lies with SC, ST, OBC, minorities, women and children. It is scandalous to distort his words as Mr Modi has done," said Chidambaram.

BJP Responds To Claim

However, the BJP was quick to respond to the Congress party's claim. Taking to social media X, BJP leader Amit Malviya said, "The Congress Manifesto 2024 is clear....Recently, Rahul Gandhi also, in a public program in Maharashtra (16th Mar 2024), spoke about a comprehensive economic, financial and institutional survey to know who has how much wealth (perhaps before it can be redistributed). It is clear as day light that Congress wants to take away our wealth, wealth of the poor and marginalised, SCs, STs, savings of the women and redistribute it, specifically amongst the minorities, like Congress UPA had wanted to. They can’t run away from their own promises now that they have been called out."

What Did Former PM Manmohan Singh Say?

The remark that PM Modi was referring to dates back to 2006 when then PM Manmohan Singh was speaking at the NDC. Ex-PM Singh had said, ""I believe our collective priorities are clear: agriculture, irrigation and water resources, health, education, a critical investment in rural infrastructure, and the essential public investment needs of general infrastructure, along with programmes for the upliftment of SC/STs, other backward classes, minorities and women and children. The component plans for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will need to be revitalized. We will have to devise innovative plans to ensure that minorities, particularly the Muslim minority, are empowered to share equitably in the fruits of development. They must have the first claim on resources. The Centre has myriad other responsibilities whose demands will have to be fitted within the overall resource availability."

Conclusion: Who Stands Vindicated?

Now, if you are wondering whether Congress has promised wealth distribution or not, then the answer is yes, but the same thing is not clearly mentioned in its manifesto. Addressing a rally in Hyderabad, Rahul Gandhi said, "We will first conduct a nationwide caste census to determine how many people belong to the OBCs, SCs, STs, and minorities. After that, we will conduct a financial and institutional survey in a historic step to ascertain the distribution of wealth."

However, while Rahul Gandhi publicly endorsed wealth distribution, the Congress manifesto has no direct mention of it. "The economic empowerment of minorities is a necessary step for India to realise its full potential. We will ensure that banks will provide institutional credit to minorities without discrimination. We will ensure that minorities receive their fair share of opportunities in education, healthcare, public employment, public works contracts, skill development, sports and cultural activities without discrimination," read the Congress manifesto.

However, neither Rahul Gandhi nor the Congress manifesto said that the wealth will be distributed among Muslims. 

In general perception in Indian politics, the Minority word is often used for Muslims despite Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis being on the list. 

Now, another question is - did Manmohan Singh say that Muslims have the first right to resources? The answer to this question is Yes but with the underlying fact that the former PM was talking not only about minorities but also SCs and STs, as can be read in his statement mentioned above.

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