Massive protests erupted in Chandigarh University post-Sunday midnight after the videos of around 60 girls taking baths in the hostel were leaked. Soon, social media posts claimed that several girls attempted to die by suicide after their videos leaked online. However, the Mohali Deputy Commissioner (DC) Amit Talwar dismissed claims of students' attempted suicide as "rumours". After an initial probe, police arrested a 23-year-old female student, her alleged boyfriend from Himachal Pradesh, and another 31-year-old man from Himachal. Questions are being raised about the police handling and the attitude of the university management regarding the MMS scandal at Chandigarh University. Police say no girl's MMS was made. Nor did any girl try to commit suicide. 


In today's DNA, Zee News' Rohit Ranjan will do the reality check of police and administration's claims on Mohali MMS scandal. 

Two student eyewitnesses of Chandigarh University, based on anonymity, revealed the secret of the incident that occurred on the seventh floor of the Mohali girl's hostel.

The truth of Mohali MMS that you heard from eyewitnesses is very scary. But what is even more frightening is that the university administration and the police are trying to suppress this truth together. These two girls have opened our eyes and revealed the whole truth of this scandal in front of the country while talking only to Zee News.

The police claim that the accused girl did not make MMS of any other girl, but the two students who have testified on Zee News clearly say that many girls were filmed.

The police claim that no girl's MMS has been released on social media, but the witness girls have told the names of websites where videos were posted.

The university administration says that no attempt is being made to hide this incident. But the witness girls have raised the question that where did the girl who caught the accused girl red-handed first disappear?