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DNA Exclusive: How Japan Stands Firm Amidst Earthquakes?

In tonight's edition of DNA, Zee News prime time anchor Sourabh Raaj Jain delves into the intricate details of Japan's earthquake preparedness, analyzing how the country continues to stand tall against these natural calamities.

DNA Exclusive: How Japan Stands Firm Amidst Earthquakes?

NEW DELHI: The first day of the New Year 2024 witnessed Japan grappling with a major seismic event that reverberated across the globe. Simultaneously, Tokyo Airport showcased another dramatic scene – a plane engulfed in flames. Despite the formidable 7.6 magnitude earthquake on Monday, Japan's response defied catastrophic expectations. The drama unfolded at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, where a Japan Airlines plane caught fire colliding with a Coast Guard aircraft on the runway. The Coast Guard plane was on a mission to deliver essential supplies to areas affected by the quake. Gripping footage depicted the collision transforming the runway into a blazing inferno, leading to the swift destruction of the aircraft.

Videos circulating in Japan's media capture the intense impact and explosions on both planes, providing a chilling account of the incident. Amid the tragedy, all 390 passengers and crew members on the burning plane were successfully evacuated. However, the Coast Guard plane witnessed the loss of five lives. An ongoing investigation seeks to unravel the intricacies behind this unfortunate event.



Japan, known for the highest frequency of earthquakes globally, stands out not just for enduring these seismic events but for its unparalleled resilience. Despite facing history's most devastating earthquakes, Japan has not only stood strong but also crafted an exceptional defence system. A video capturing people at a tourist spot continuing their activities during a seismic event highlights Japan's fearless approach. The lack of panic and fear in the recorded reactions underscores Japan's remarkable preparedness, showcasing a calm demeanour even during a seismic jolt of 7.6 magnitude.

Japan's extraordinary capacity to withstand major earthquakes is a testament to its robust defence mechanisms. Despite the challenges posed by seismic activities, the nation remains resolute. In tonight's edition of DNA, Zee News prime time anchor Sourabh Raaj Jain delves into the intricate details of Japan's earthquake preparedness, analyzing how the country continues to stand tall against these natural calamities.

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