New Delhi: In a strategic move aimed at amplifying the 'Ek Baar Phir Se Modi Sarkar' appeal to voters, BJP National President JP Nadda inaugurated the party's nationwide wall-writing initiative on Monday. Nadda commenced the program by intricately drawing the party's symbol, the lotus, on a wall, accompanied by the impactful slogan 'Ek Baar Phir Se Modi Sarkar' displayed below.


Addressing the media later, Nadda stated, "Our wall-writing initiative commences today across the country. Beginning with the 'Ek Baar Phir Se Modi Sarkar' slogan, it will unfold on booths nationwide. Our goal is to engage every BJP worker, ensuring the success of this campaign. This slogan serves as a modest appeal to the citizens, emphasizing the need for a Modi government in 2024, fostering consistent development."



Vote For BJP For A Stable Govt: Nadda 

"We aim to propel the nation forward with 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas.' A stable government is crucial for this vision," he added. Highlighting the significance of a stable government, Nadda emphasized, "The citizens have previously bestowed their blessings on PM Modi, witnessing new development milestones and global recognition for India. To continue this trajectory, a stable government is imperative. Through this wall writing, we appeal for a Modi government once again."



BJP Confident Of Big Win

During a preceding event on Sunday, Tripura CM Manik Saha, expressing confidence, painted the lotus symbol on a wall. He anticipates BJP's triumph in over 450 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. "We aim to gift two lotuses from our state to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the upcoming Lok Sabha election, winning both seats. Speculations suggest BJP may secure 404 seats, but my assessment differs... We might approach the 450-mark," Shah asserted.

2024 Election Outlook

In the 2019 elections, BJP secured 303 seats, while the Congress secured 52. The current initiative seeks to bolster BJP's electoral prospects for the upcoming polls.