A case has been registered against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Chaitar Vasava and 20 others for allegedly attacking a restaurant owner in Gujarat's Narmada district. The police filed an FIR on Saturday based on a complaint, naming Vasava, six identified individuals, and around 15 unidentified persons. The incident occurred in Dediapada on September 16. Vasava, who won the 2022 Gujarat election from the Dediapada seat, and the accused allegedly verbally abused and physically assaulted restaurant owner Shantilal Vasava.


According to the FIR, the legislator and others attacked the complainant after he asked Vasava to settle a restaurant bill. The complainant called Vasava, who became enraged and asked him to wait at his house. Vasava arrived with 20 people, slapped the complainant, and verbally abused him. His accomplices thrashed and threatened to kill him.

The accused face charges under various Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita sections, including rioting, unlawful assembly, and criminal conspiracy. No arrests have been made. Notably, Chaitar Vasava contested the 2024 Lok Sabha election from Bharuch but lost. He was arrested in December last year for threatening a forest official, firing in the air, and extortion. He spent six weeks in jail before being granted regular bail.