The Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team (SKAT) of the Indian Air Force on Saturday enthralled the audience with a scintillating display of its aerial prowess. The aerobatic display was conducted at the Air Force Station, Lohegaon in Maharashtra.


The aerobatic team will also be performing at the National Defence Academy's (NDA) Passing out Parade on November 30, 2018.

Just a few days back, the IAF had tweeted a photo of a sketch drawn by a young SKAT fan. While tweeting the stetch, the IAF wrote: "A young girl from Kolkata Vidula, while on vacations at Bikaner, witnessed #SuryaKiran display over the blue skies of Rajasthan. She immediately became a Suryakiran fan and drew a picture for the SKAT team as a tribute to the Ambassadors of the IAF."

IAF's daredevil Surya Kiran Aerobatics Team is well-known for its formation flying, manoeuvres and spectacular feats in the air. Their unthinkable formations, wingovers, loops and barrel rolls are enough to leave the audience spellbound. Their manoeuvres like splits, rolling crosses and inverted runs are a sight to behold.