Under former US President Barack Obama, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Pakistan's then Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar about support for terrorism. She said, "You will grow snakes in your yard. But if you think that it will only bite the neighbor, it is not!" This time, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar used Hillary's comment to target Islamabad regarding terrorism in the United Nations. Incidentally, Hina was also present there. A decade later, she is now Pakistan's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.


Hina on Thursday accused India of supporting terrorism in the UN Security Council. In response, the Indian foreign minister directly criticized Islamabad for harboring Osama bin Laden and attacking the Parliament. After this, in a discussion titled 'Global Counter-Terrorism Approach: Challenges and Way Forward' at the United Nations, Jaishankar's comments, "In view of what they (Pakistan) have said today, one thing can be said - the world today sees them as a hotbed of terrorism." That comment can be heard in Jaishankar's voice.

Jaishankar also addressed the issue of terrorism in Afghanistan at the meeting of the United Nations Security Council. He said, "We hope that Afghanistan will not become a center of terrorism again." The foreign minister also accused the 'neighboring country's role' in exporting terrorism to Afghanistan without naming Pakistan. In the Security Council meeting, Jaishankar's speech also mentioned the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York and the 26/11 Mumbai attack. He called for international action against Pakistan to combat terrorism.