BENGALURU: In the aftermath of the recent "Bengaluru Bandh," various pro-Kannada and farmers' associations have called for a 'Karnataka Bandh' on Friday, September 29, to voice their opposition to the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu. Several members of pro-Kannada organisations, protesting over the Cauvery Water Issue, have been detained near Attibele by the Bengaluru Police. Additional SP of Bengaluru Rural district said, "We have made proper arrangements as a bandh has been called by several pro-Kannada organisations. More than 50 people from the organisations have been taken into custody... We have sufficient staff and we will make sure nothing goes wrong..."


The bandh is expected to significantly disrupt normal life in the state, particularly in the southern regions. 'Kannada Okkuta,' an amalgamation of Kannada outfits including factions of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike, Kannada Chalavali (Vatal Paksha), and various farmers' bodies, has called for a statewide dawn-to-dusk shutdown.



Protest organizers have announced to take out a massive procession from Town Hall to Freedom Park in Bengaluru. They have emphasized that the bandh encompasses the entire state and intend to halt highways, toll gates, rail services, and airports.



Section 144 Imposed in Bengaluru


Preempting potential disturbances, the Bengaluru Police have imposed Section 144 in the city until 12 AM on Saturday as a security measure. The restrictions under Section 144 will be effective from 12 AM on Friday, September 29, as stated by Police Commissioner B Dayanand.

The longstanding dispute over Cauvery water-sharing between the two southern states has reignited, following the directives from the Cauvery Water Management Authority to release water from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu, amid several taluks in Karnataka facing drought conditions.

Here's What Is Open & What Is Closed


The bandh has garnered support from hotels, and auto-rickshaws, and hailed rider associations across Karnataka. Bengaluru will observe Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), which restricts the assembly of four or more people in a specific area, from Thursday midnight to Friday midnight.

App-based Cabs and Auto-rickshaw Services


The Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union and Ola Uber Drivers and Owners’ Association (OUDOA) are supporting the daylong bandh. OUDOA president Tanveer Pasha announced a rally from Nayandahalli to Freedom Park on September 30.

Schools and Colleges


In Bengaluru, Deputy Commissioner Dayananda K A has declared a holiday for all schools and colleges. Several CBSE and ICSE schools, initially planning mid-term examinations for Friday, have rescheduled these tests to Saturday.



The Bruhath Bangaluru Hotel Association has extended 'moral support' to the bandh. Final decisions regarding the closure of restaurants and eateries for the day on Friday are being discussed.

KSRTC, BMTC & Private Buses


The State Transport Department has instructed state transport corporations to maintain regular services. The operation of KSRTC (Kerala State Road Transport Corporation) and BMTC (Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation) buses will be contingent on the situation in their respective areas.



Flight Operations


Kempegowda International Airport anticipates normal flight operations, though an advisory has been issued due to potential disruptions in transport services during the one-day Karnataka bandh.


BJP, JD(S) Extend Support to Bandh


The opposition BJP and Janata Dal (S) have voiced their support for the bandh. In the Cauvery heartland of Mandya, activists have been protesting the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu for the past 15 days, contending that the state government has not adequately advocated Karnataka's position.

(With PTI inputs)