New Delhi: In a shocking incident, seven aborted fetal remains uses were found in a canister on the outskirts of the Moodalagi village of Karnataka`s Belagavi district on Friday (June 24, 2022), informed the police. The state health department has ordered an inquiry into the incident.


The local residents found the fetuses near the Mudalagi town`s bus stop in the Belagavi district and informed the police. After receiving the information, police visited and inspected the site.

"Seven fetuses were found in a canister. Five-month-old embryos were found to have fetal sex detection and murder. A team of officials will be formed and investigated immediately after informing the district authorities," Dr Mahesh Koni, District Health and Family Welfare Officer told media persons here.

He further said, "The detected embryos were stored in a hospital and then brought to the District Functional Science Center for testing."A police case has been registered in this regard. Further investigation is underway.